Lycium Barbarum (Wolfberry fruit)

Lycium Barbarum (Wolfberry fruit)
Chinese medical receipe are often using KiChi (Lycium Barbarum) to improve health

The Effects of Lycium Barbarum Juice on human blood.

The Effects of Lycium Barbarum Juice on human blood.
Dr. Marcial-Vega has studied ‘before’ and ‘after’ effects of various treatments on the blood for years in thousands of patients. He also devised a revolutionary system to study ‘live’ blood, using a microscope and video camera to record the result. These images are microscopic slides of human samples from Dr. Marcial-Vega’s research and his obeservations on goji’s incredible impact on a patient’s blood over a seven-day period.

Dr. Victor Marcial-Vega. Completed residency at John Hopkins School of Medicine Dr. Marcial-Vega studied the effects of goji juice on the human body for nearly three years.

Blood That is Too Acidic
This is the blood of one of my patients before he began drinking goji. It looks like there are stacks of coins piled against each other. Those are red blood cells. They are not supposed to be like that. They are supposed to be separate from each other, nice and round, and floating around the blood transporting oxygen, which is not happening here. The blood is very acidic. So, in this person is not an adequate transport of oxygen. The little dots in the background are bacteria in the blood. We are not sterile. In this particular person, the bacteria levels are way above normal. The dark spots in the background are pieces of cholesterol.

Improvement Just Hours After Drinking Goji
This is what happened 24 to 36 hours after drinking goji juice in the same patient. The cells have separated, meaning the blood is becoming more alkaline. Oxygen is being transport better. The bacteria floating in the background are still there, but there has been improvement. The white blood cell in the center is moving up and is becoming wider. It is supposed to move across the blood, eat the bacteria, eat the cholesterol pieces and recognize what is supposed to be there. Again, the white blood cell in the center is becoming wider because it is moving up and to the sides. Its edges are not fixed.

A Week Later
And after seven days of taking goji: Look at the cells, There is very little anemia-Just a little bit in the lower right-hand corner. But most of the cells have a good content of hemoglobin. So we are seeing at the cellular blood level how goji and subsequent alkalinization of the blood is affecting the parameters that we know make a big difference in predicting how these people are going to do. Not only that, but this white cell looks healthy. It is well-delineated edge. It is not fuzzy like the first one we saw.

Dikutip dari Majalah Breakthroughs in Health – Volume 2 Issue 3


Dikutip dari Majalah Breakthroughs in Health – Volume 2 Issue 3